Be comfortable with peace




in MD and NY.

You found out

as an adult,

you have ADHD

and things are starting to

make sense.

Shame and guilt are your life’s guiding principles

  • You have a hard time prioritizing and finishing tasks on your many to-do lists; like you have 900 things 92% completed

  • You get over-stimulated at places like the grocery store

  • You lose track of time and are either always late or petrified to do anything before you have to leave for an appointment 3 hours later because you don’t want to lose track of time.

  • You feel like people are mad at you or that you should feel guilty for some reason, but you don’t know why.

  • You have a hard time keeping your space uncluttered even though you function best in clear spaces; like floor-drobe and doom piles are out of control

  • You can’t relax because you feel like you are forgetting something, feel guilty about it, and then shame when you can’t remember

  • You are jealous of your neurotypical partner for being able to detach their self-worth from their productivity.

  • I can go on, but honestly, I would be impressed if you made it this far in the list without being overwhelmed.

It is possible for you to be the person that you want to be for yourself, your partner, and/or for your kiddos.

Helping you Take Control of your Life

This is how therapy can help you

  • Feel confident and have self-compassion when you fuck up and celebrate when you don’t

  • Know where you left your keys, purse, glasses, lunch box, …need I go on?

  • Be able to tick off things on your to-do lists

  • Be able to keep money in your bank account

  • Be able to trust your judgement and make thoughtful decisions

There are two paths to ADULT ADHD therapy…

  • Therapy where we will identify the embedded narrative (that you are less-than) and process the accompanied emotions (shame and guilt among others) that keep you in the self-critical cycle, learning to detach your self-worth from your productivity.

  • ADHD Coaching where we will identify your challenging areas, find solutions and strategies that work for you, learn how you could best implement them in your life, and prioritize the actual priorities.

Adult ADHD Therapy can help you:

Improve your relationships

Reconnect and communicate your opinions, preferences, needs, and desires

Trust your intuition

Identify when you are being gaslit and prioritize yourself

A person obscured by orange and white candy wrappers that they tossed into the air.

Frequently asked questions about Neurodivergent Therapy


  • Neurodivergency simply means that your brain works differently than most people.

    About 15-20% of the US population have been diagnosed with a neurodivergency.

    Not all neurodivergencies, even of the same type, look alike. Have you heard the saying, " If you met one person with Autism, you have met one person with Autism"? Well the same is true for many other neurodivergencies too. I mean there is an overall flavor to each one, but they likely manifest differently in everyone. This means that you need a therapist who can roll with you and the way your brain shows up to each session.

  • Well, that's a tricky question.

    The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) identifies conditions such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia, and Tourettes Syndrome as neurodivergencies.

    However, there are several conditions that are not officially diagnosable as they are not in the manual, such as the terribly named Sluggish Processing Disorder (SPD).

    Any way you slice it, the brain simply works differently, so "traditional" therapy does not always do the trick.

  • If you found this page, and more of the content resonates than doesn't, it is likely that there is something there. But schedule a session and we can talk more about what is going on for you and what brought you here.

  • Yeah, living with someone who's brain works differently from yours can be frustrating.

    I can help you understand how your partners actions and thought processes make sense to them. We can work on how to communicate with your loved one to get both of your needs met.

  • Yeah, I am 100% on board with that question and honestly, I had some reservations about that too.

    The bottom line is that I have learned the most about ADHD and how it shows up in adults. However, I have learned a lot about several of the others in learning about brain functioning, and there is a lot of overlap between them. The key is to find someone who will not judge or become frustrated easily in session; someone who can roll with what is brought to session.

    I am in the middle of a training specifically for ASD as well as ADHD. The only one that I do not have much training on is OCD, but I have several great resources and if I am not the person for you, I can help you find someone who is.

  • That is an easy one. Click the button below and schedule a free 15-min consultation.

    We can discuss your needs and if I am not the person for you, then I may be able to point you in the right direction.

 Give yourself the gift of compassion